
Showing posts from August, 2013

Movement Is Mobility

When some think of wanting to be mobile at an older age or right now, most people believe that losing weight is the ultimate goal. They assume that with weight-loss, more mobility will naturally be achieved. Unfortunately, this isn't true. I know lots of people who are trim and still have very limited mobility. You are probably wondering, "Well if you look good, what does it matter how mobile you are?" You would be right, if we didn't need basic mobility to fully experience life. Everything from sitting on the ground to play with your kids to being able to open and close your hand once your older, is part of mobility and getting the most out of life. Mobility involves exploring movement and moving as often as possible. So, my challenge to you is to stand up and think of every joint in your body. Try going through a check-list and moving every single one at least once. If you do this regularly, you will keep from injury and could build lots of incredible movement patte...

Movement Patterns

Do you ever wonder how someone goes from being unable to do much athletically to becoming an incredible athlete? It doesn't just happen. They must learn movement patterns. Take something basic like crawling. If you do it properly, it will build movement patterns that influence other movements. If you are good at crawling, you will inevitably be good at climbing because they are very similar movements. There is always a way to scale-down or scale-up on any given exercise according to your skill-level. Just remember that any movement is better than no movement. My challenge to you this week is to find someone who is really good at a particular movement and try to learn from them. Remember: Who is wise? One who learns from all. - The Talmud

Are you vanity driven?

What is your primary motivation for living a healthy life? Before you answer, let's consider most people's reasons for any kind of health-conscious living. Many people believe that if you look a certain way you are automatically healthy. Well, the basis for almost every diet and/or workout routine is to change your physique, in turn giving you the appearance of health. I propose that a better approach to health is to remove vanity from the equation altogether. Instead, look at health from the standpoint of eating closer to nature and exploring nature through movement. Then, you will find more self-assurance than you ever have before and experience a new spiritual awakening. So, my challenge to you is to take a full week and try to ignore how you will look from your diet and/or fitness routine. Don't even consider it. Instead, focus on how you can apply your movement in nature, experiment with exotic fruits, or try a new raw ingredient, and simply enjoy the earth.

Let Fear Bond You With Others

Radical honesty with ourselves can open a new doorway in our connection with other people. For example: if you are scared of caves, you should be honest with the people around you on a hike about your fear. Rather than masking your insecurities, expose them so that those around you can help you to overcome them. By being radically honest with yourself, you are able to share your experiences with others in ways you may have thought weren't possible. This is a huge step in growing as a person. These experiences will give you a new level of appreciation for the uncomfortable situations in life. So, my challenge to you this week is to open up to someone about a fear and try to get them to help you overcome it. Allow yourself to be a little uncomfortable because only through being uncomfortable can you learn to be comfortable with yourself.